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So I was looking for something new to shot, and I wanted to shot some new open cluster. My last one was long ago, and I wanted to know how better it would be after more practice. So I saw a nice cluster, easy to aim: M38 in the constellation of Auriga.

Now, in that area, it is happening the Delta Aurigids Meteor Shower. And for my amusement I was graced with a nice fireball descending the sky. I was not lucky enough to have it on camera, but it was a beautiful sight.

201309-M38M38, NGC1907 and IC417 from Auriga
Focal Length: 300 mm
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 800
Filter: Astronomik CLS-CCD
Shutter: 30s / 300s
Tracker: Astrotrac
Stacking: 22 / 9
Total exposure: 3360s
Post processing: Pixinsight
Taken Sep 27th and 28th, 2013 around 11:00-00:30 CEST

When I aimed at it, I was in my mind only on M38 (top left), but after post-processing, I was graced with a nice and faint nebula (IC417), just in the bottom right corner. And it was very rewarding =D

Also, Auriga is in the way facing the Milky Way, with makes it have such an unbelievable amount of stars.